At 06:29 PM 6/1/98 -0400, you wrote:
>On Mon, 1 Jun 1998, W.D.McKinney wrote:
>> Is there a MB that caches more than 256MB's of RAM ?
>There are a smattering of Pentium motherboards which cache 512MB of RAM,
>the Intel HX is one of those (provided you have the tag ram) and many of
>the Tyan and Asus do as well.  But that's only an issue with the Pentium;
>Pentium Pro and Pentium II systems have the cache entirely on the CPU and
>they always cache properly.  (Are they limited to 512MB of RAM, or can
>they cache the entire 4GB address space, if necessary?)

As part of Intel's scheme to get more $ from the high end server market,
the PII can cache no more than 512MB (and no more than 2 cpus), the PPro
can go up to 4GB (given the right MB [actually, the PPro has a 36 bit
addressing mode, so you go to 64GB, in theory, I think it could cache all
of it, but I don't know]) and 4 cpus (with tricks, you can go higher than
that).  So, for more than 512MB, you need a PPro (1MB cache is $2560, last
I heard) or a Xeon (the Slot2 cpu, which also runs $2-3000, and can hold up
to 2MB of cache). 

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