On Wed, 3 Jun 1998, Steve Ki-Won Lee wrote:

> [root@HAL apps]# rpm -ivh ddd-2.99.9-1.i386.rpm 
> failed dependencies:
>         libXm.so.2 is needed by ddd-2.99.9-1
> Once again, can anyone please tell me what rpm package would contain that
> *.so* file?  Thanks again!

libXm is part of Motif libraries. Unfortunately, you have to pay BIG TIME
to get them :-(

You have to other alternatives: 
1) use 'lesstif'--a free substitution to Motif; but it is in alpha stage,
2) get ddd-static rpm which has that libXm compiled in.

happy debuging (ddd),

|          ...Mary had a little ram and Windows was so slow...          |
| Hossein S. Zadeh                 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]        |
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| Royal Melb. Inst. of Tech (RMIT) |------------------------------------|
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