On Wed, 3 Jun 1998, Chris Frost wrote:

> Went to make 2.0.34 today, and found something **really** wierd! The date
> as reported from a user and root is different! As a user, the time is
> 13:49, which is correct, but root says it is 18:49! If I change the time
> by doing a "date 06041350" root is right, but the time for users is
> off! What's going on here???

You have TZ set somewhere in the user-side configs (/etc/csh.cshrc etc.)
but not in root-side or global configs. Also, it is really possible you
set the system clock to indicate the GMT when you installed Linux

> This can't be too good :-(

Not that bad either, just a worried admin :-) and some tackled up build


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