On Tue, 2 Jun 1998, Clemens Adler wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> Does anyone has experience with PermediaII graphics cards under Linux?
> did anyone try out the Permedia X-Server from Suse? and did it give any
> problems? and (last question) does sombody know wether there are
> differences between the XFree stuff from Suse and from Redhat, i.e. would
> I have to install the Suse XFree or would it be enough to just use their
> Permedia-Xserver?
> TIA,
> Clemens
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Clemens Adler e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I've got a Diamond Fire GL Pro 1000 8MB with the 3Dlabs Permedia
chipset in it. I went straight for the Accelerated-X from XiGraphics
(www.xig.com) - It works like a dream, running at 1600x1200 here :)
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