>Date: Thu, 4 Jun 1998 15:36:57 +0100
>Has anyone used 3COM 3c905B network card in Redhat Linux 4.2 or 5.0?
>What do i have to do to get it working? I run kernel 2.0.30.

We are currently runnning 3C905-TX cards on two RH5.0 boxen. They were 
running on 4.2 before.

The drivers on the RH CD work fine for these cards (dunno about the 'B'). 
The driver you need to compile for the kernel is the 3c590/3c900 'boomerang' 

You may need to disable 'plug and play' in your BIOS as well. One of our 
systems needed this to work, the other didn't.

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Kevin Thorpe
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