On Fri, Jun 05, 1998 at 11:01:07AM -0500, Mccorkle Joe wrote:
> anyone out there have a Epson stylus color 600? printing ASCII text works
> fine, but postscript prints out garbage. anyone know how to properly set
> this up? redhat 5.0 found the printer and even named it Epson stylus color
> 600. dont know what to do.
The following URL gives instructions on how to set up ghostscript 5.10 and a
print filter to be used with Epson Stylus Color printers:
The instructions are not written for Red Hat, but they should still work.
Also, I seriously doubt that you'll be able to use the Aladdin ghostscript
5.10 RPM packages offered in the document, but I would imagine you'd be able
to find ones for RH5 out on the 'Net somewhere. Once you have the right
version of ghostscript, getting the filter set up for it is simple.
| (o)(o) Erik Ratcliffe, [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| \oo/ Caldera, Inc. Orem, Utah USA |
| =\/= http://www.caldera.com |
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