On Sat, 6 Jun 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi,
>   Is there a RPM for Netscape Communicator with secure encryption (US
> version)?  The next best thing is a nosrc RPM that gives me the .spec
> file needed, so I can download the main part from Netscape directly. 
> I tried taking:
>   ns-communicator-4.04-3.nosrc.rpm
> from the contrib library, made a few changes, and tried to build an RPM
> for Netscape Communicator 4.05.  The RPMs built and installed fine, but
> I kept on getting bus errors when I started netscape.  I cannot get it
> to display even the first page.
> Does anyone have experience with this?

I wanted to install netscape in /usr/local instead under /usr because our
/usr/local/ is distributed to many boxes and I'd like to have most of the
common crap on there, and I couln't figure out how to do such a fierce
thing with rpm's, so I just got the standard linux edition from netscape
(a .tgz) installed it and it works fine. I don't have the strong
encryption version however( since I live in Europe and am not allowed to
be too secret or whatever)

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