On 07-Jun-98 Leston Buell wrote:

> When i log in as root i can open Netscape. When i login as another user,
> i
> can't. If i try to open netscape from the shell using
>       /usr/bin/netscape
> i get error messages saying that i don't have Netscape installed. When i
> asked about this problem before i was told:
>       1.      to make sure that the user has the correct path, and that i 
>               could make that path global in /etc/profile, and
>       2.      that the user has permission to execute.
> Well, the "netscape" file is readable and executable to all users, so i
> don't think that's the problem. And, as far as i can tell, the non-root
> user has /usr/bin in the path for all of the relevant files i could think
> of (/etc/profile, /home/username/Xrootenv.0, etc.). The
> /home/username/Xrootenv.0 file even says:
>       BROWSER=/usr/bin/netscape
> Could someone please fill in the details as to what exactly i should do?
> I
> think it's indeed a path problem, since i can't access certain other
> applications as well when logged in as non-root, such as Midnight
> Commander. I'd be most grateful!

What about read permissions for /usr and /usr/bin? I've had a couple of
things fail when such things weren't set properly, though the execution
SHOULD work anyway.

Next, how was the program installed? If via rpm or the install script, it
should be set up Okay. If manually, perchance you missed a file or so.

Pardon my english - I went to US public school.

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