On Sat, 6 Jun 1998, Steve Ki-Won Lee wrote:
> Greetings!
> I'd like to upgrade my kernel to 2.0.34 and it seems like Redhat's 5.1 ftp
> site is missing the kernel-module rpm. Is this something I could do
> without to compile the kernel once I've downloaded the other kernel rpms,
> such as "kernel", "kernel-source", "kernel-headers"? Wouldn't I need
> "kernel-modules" as well in order for me to be able to compile?
> And why isn't there a upgraded 2.0.34 kernel-module version? Is Redhat
> getting around to it or is it just not gonna be released for a reason?
If your going to recompile the kernel you're going to recompile the
modules also (at least you better do so if you don't like unresolved
symbol messages at bootup) . all you need is the kernel-headers and the
kernel-sources. Then
cd /usr/src/linux
make config .....
make dep
(make clean)
make boot (or make zImage or whatever)
have a coffee
make modules
make modules_install
If you compile the 2.0.34 a second time ( I usually do it at least twice
because I always forget somthing like compiling in scsi suport or iso9660
either rm /lib/modules/2.0.34/*
mv /lib/modules/2.0.34 /lib/modules/2.0.34-old
have fun,
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