I don't know about a book ABOUT scripting... but Running Linux gave me the
start... also, you could rip stuff out of scripts already on your computer,
such as startx.
>Just read a bit through man bash instead of the morning newspaper and
>wanted to use [command];[command2];[command3]... to get an execution of
>commands in a row but with command2 starting after the first finished,
>etc... In fact what I want to do is get "ppp-on, route, sendmail,
>fetchmail, ppp-off to execute one after the other so that I can drink my
>coffee and enjoy while looking at the screen with all the commands
>flashing by... Actually, I'm just plain lazy and would like to do as much
>as possible with the least effort. It's a pitty I don't understand much
>yet about doing scripts - it's more complicado than only putting commands
>in a "*.bat" file - so I would also like to ask some info about a good &
>simple book about scripting. Any ideas?
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