On Sun, 7 Jun 1998, Dave Watts wrote:

> Hi,
>  I am running with KDE as my windows manager. I have noticed with the
> level in the inittab file set to 5 when I log in I get a fvwm windows
> manager. If I change the run level to 3, log in and then startx I get
> the KDE windows manager. Why is this and how can I just go directly to
> the KDE wm when I'm using run level 5 in the inittab file?

When you go to runlevel 5 you start xdm ( which is I belive the main
difference between 3 and 5) xdm executes /etc/X11/xdm/Xsession on startup
look what files in which order are started looked for and started there.
I also use KDE and use following method: 
I modify /etc/X11/xinit/Xclients ,i.e. throw pretty much everything out
except startkde
to be able to execute startkde you have to add /opt/kde/bin to the PATH
(in /etc/profile), and you should remove any old .xsession or .Xclient
files from your home dir or modify them in the same way. 
If you still have problems ask again,

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