Hi everyone!
         noticed the thread and was hoping i could get some pointers:')
Just finished reading SENDMAIL cover to cover and am planning to set up
a double mail server arrangement with one mailer for outside a firewall 
that the local users have their outgoing mail relayed to. Is their a good
faq or howto out here? My thought pattern is that the sendmail on the 
outside grabs and sendsmail destined elsewhere but the local inside sendmail 
handles internal mailing. Is this sound and if so how do i get it so that 
when users access the mail server they immediately get their mail that has 
arrived for them. This delivered by pop3 or imap. I have both it appears 
running on my box but am not certain the configuration for them to
be chrooted to their home directory where they can not go outside of and
get their mail sent over the wire to their local pc. All suggestions 
much appreciated. TIA
At 01:13 PM 6/22/98 -0400, Richard Rager wrote:
>On Mon, 22 Jun 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>I know I need to configure SMPT...but where do I find info on this?  I
>>have checked the HOWTO's, but don't seem to find anything that would help
>>me here.  I didn't find a specific SMTP HOWTO.
>Ok you need to read up on Sendmail.  This is the what does the SMTP for
>you.  Your config file are located in
>Also goto www.sendmail.org and read the online help for sendmail.
>This is the easy way for me to get the infomation.
>By the way what do you want to do with sendmail?
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