My opinion is that you are screwed. However, someone out there with more
years under their belt might know of some super duper utility to fix this,
so wait for more responses before you start crying.


At 02:11 PM 6/29/98 -0400, you wrote:
>I ran into trouble while trying to install Linux. I was wondering if 
>anyone can give some advice on how to recover from it. The following 
>is a description of the problem:
>I used fdisk to partition my only harddrive. Thereafter I proceeded to 
>install Linux on the newly created partition. When I reached the point 
>on creating the Linux partitions this is what I saw.
>Dev.           Boot    Begin   Start   End             Blocks          Id      System
>/tmp/hda1      *               1               1               616                    
> 2483680+        b       Unknown
>/tmp/hda2                      617             617             786                    
> 685440          b       Unknown
>In order to make sure that I did nothing to my dos partition (Windows 
>95) I used the "d" option (delete) in fdisk to get rid off hda1. I 
>feel that this is the mistake I made. Thereafter I repartitioned hda2 
>for all the appropriate partions (root,swap,home etc.) for Linux and 
>the installation went fine. At the end of it I am using LILO as my 
>booting utility which I installed in the Master boot record.
>After completing my installation when I reboot LILO staright away 
>takes me to LINUX
>and I don't know how to boot to Windows95. In fact if I use a DOS 
>bootable floppy I get to A: but it no longer recognizes my hard drive 
>(i.e. when I do dir C:, it says drive not found)
>Have I made a mistake beyond repair? I found in the documentation for 
>fips that I might still be able to run Linux's fdisk (by booting from 
>the Linux boot floppy) and restore the partition (hda1). I tried this 
>and was able to create hda1 with the "n" option of fdisk. I changed 
>the system type and boot indicator (*) as shown above to make sure 
>that it looks the same as when it did the first time. But I did not 
>have the confidence of saving the output fdisk and came out of it. Do 
>you think I should proceed in this manner?
>Please let me know your opinion. I am very hopeful on your feedback. 
>Jayanta Guin

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