At 09:34 AM 6/7/98 +1000, you wrote:
>> i have a ne2000 too and none of the auto-probes work on it.
>> i havent attempted to upgrade to 5.1, but I know with 4.2 and 5.0
>> i had to specify the i/o address and irq for the card. ive had no
>> problems with the 8390 and ne modules, other than the need to tell
>> ne the io and irq.
>> ben

FWIW, I have an NE2000 that got detected correctly in 5.0.  It is a true
"novell" ne2000.  Perhaps that's the difference. (I just got 5.1 so I'm
going to try to install under 5.1 to see what happens.

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