>Just a bit more info (for those who wish and/or care to know..)  :)
>The 'chmod' (Change Mode) command in the *nix world has two different
>methods (modes) of operation.  One is known as the 'symbolic' mode, and is
>represented by an octal number.
>Now here's how these 'octal numbers' can be put together

>1000        Sets what is known as the 'sticky bit' that saves text in
>upon execution (superuser stuff)
>4000        Will 'set' user ID on execution of the file (same as 'u+s')
>20*0        Sets group ID on execution when the * is a 1, 3, 5 or 7.
>                Sets 'mandatory locking' when the * is a 0, 2, 4 or 6

thanks, that's what I was looking for


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