This is a long thread that is out of place on this list, but I just
had to respond to this particular message.
Joe Klemmer wrote:
>On Mon, 15 Jun 1998, Deryk Barker wrote:
>> I know that it is to late to stop HTML encoded email. The genie
>>is out of the bottle. But it is my contention that someone who must
>>resort to HTML (or any other kind of fancy formating) in order to express
>>their thoughts is to be pitied. No moderately educated or intelligent
>>person would need anything more than plane text for email. Period.
>Please. Lighten up. The ability to communicate has NOTHING to do with HTML.
>However, having a link in a mail message that is available with a
>double-click can be really clean.
Think of it this way. What would your reaction be if you got a
(paper) letter written in four different colors, with smiley faces
everywhere and every fifth word underlined? I'd think that it had
been written either by a twelve year old girl, or by a total nutcase.
People have forgotten how to write, so they try to dress their words
up with meaningless formatting. If your words don't convey a sense of
urgency, the answer isn't to make them blinking red, and if you feel
the need to write <grin> after a joke, it probably isn't funny.
Jeff Anderson
P.S. If by a "link available with a double click" you mean the
ability to visit URLs by clicking on them, this is available in plenty
of non-HTML aware email clients, and has nothing to do with whether
or not the author has used HTML to format his message.
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