Hello All!

My boss at work just dropped the bomb.  I'm supposed to be set up an
intra-net mail server, using RedHat 4.2.  So far, so good, but....

There will be mail going out from location A to 100 locations.  There are
four seperate domains at A. Each one of the 100 locations will send mail
back to _1_ address at location A, and then "automagically" the right
address will be inserted and the mail will find its way to the right

I think I can get sendmail up & running, but what am I looking at as far as
the "automagic"?  Firewall? Alias lookup? The Linux script from hell? RPM
packages? Commercial software?

The mail server will be a dedicated 133 mhz pentium, 1.2 gig hard drive, 48
Meg ram.

Suggestions, comments, sympathy all gladly accepted.

Oh yeah, I know just enough Linux to install it and set up users, so keep
it simple.  And if you feel I've bitten off more than I can chew, let me
know that too!

Dan Deasy

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