I am a UNIX advocate, but I would have to agree that UNIX lags behind
DOS/W$ applications for the desktop.  There are only a limited number of
commercial applications available for the desktop, but the lists of
supported applications grows each day.  You can attempt to get a Windows
emulation running, but not all programs are supported.

However, when it comes to a server system, UNIX/Linux beats W$ hands down.
You get support for numerous services (telnet,ftp,rlogin,web,and many
more).  You get more development tools, compilers, and debuggers than I
could name.  To equip a W$ with equivilent software and appilities would
cost a fortune.

UNIX is very reliable.  Any time I've tried to get W$ to run a complex
application, it dies within a few days.  UNIX is much more satble than

Until high quality desktop applications are available for LINUX, it will
lag behind W$ on the desktop.  If W$ were ever reliable, scaleable, and
less expensive, it would then compete with UNIX for high-end server

| Bryan Swann ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  803/566-0086   803/554-0015 (Fax)          |
| Eagan McAllister Associates, Inc.                                        |
|                                                                          |
|  "Everything must be working perfectly, cause I don't smell any smoke"   |

On Mon, 29 Jun 1998, Boom Shaka wrote:

> dear redhat support,
>  > > thank you for your reply. unfortunately, i've switched back to
> windows
>  > > 95. i wasn't able to find useful applications that i could use with
>  > > linux. specifically, i needed a wordprocessor(similar to M$Word),
>  > > finance software(Quicken-like), games(Quake 2). I also
>  > > realized that, although Linux is a great OS, there really isn't
>  > > much you can do with it when it comes to personal productivity.
>  > 
>  > I'm sorry to hear that. Perhaps you just needed some pointers to
> the proper
>  > web sites. For instance, there is a beta version of a Quicken like
> application
>  > for linux located here:
>  > 
>  > http://www.gnucash.org/index.shtml
> yeah, i've looked at the developments of xacc(gnucash). the problem
> is, the project is essentially designed to catch up with a product
> that is built already, supported, works well, and easy to install. you
> can't really be sure of the importability of quicken's database files
> into gnucash. i don't think gnucash supports online transactions with
> banks and brokerage firms.
> another problem i find with using a different OS(linux) is that, i can
> find any kind of software that i want for the win95 platform. if not,
> i can write one just as fast as i can for the UNIX platform.  and
> besides, all my
> friends use it, so its easy for us to *share* software, trade files
> amongst each other, etc.
>  > 
>  > Also, on the 3rd disk that comes with 5.1 there is a sample version
> of Corel's
>  > Word Perfect for linux that works quite well. We also sell a very
> nice word
>  > processor for linux as part of the ApplixWare package. Please see
> our web page
>  > for more details on this.
> i've tried word perfect for linux and i found out that it has trouble
> reading msword 95 documents. the other alternative would be to
> purchase applixware. spend money, why?
>  > 
>  > There is also a linux version of Quake 2, here:
>  > 
>  > ftp://ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/quake2/
>  >  
>  > Hope this helps,
>  > Steve
>  > 
>  > 
> another problem with using linux, apparently the modem drivers don't
> work well with a compaq presario modem because its a winmodem. it was
> difficult to find help on how to get the modem to work with linux. i
> had to monitor the redhat-list everyday, or search in newsgroups. why
> would anyone want to go through all that hassle when i had a computer
> that works just fine right out of the box.  hence, no
> deathmatches for me.
> i know that alot of linux users are prejudiced about microsoft OS and
> it seems like they encourage that attitude amongst themselves. but
> loyalty to products is, in my opinion, stupid when compared to ease of
> use, ease of availability, etc.. remember intellivision vs. atari?
> (intellivision was quality at the time but atari was mainstream, who
> won?). if you can't beat 'em, join 'em and get rich off their stock.
> it only takes me 30 min max to install windows. it takes me weeks to
> install linux. i have to read FAQs, lists, newsgroups, just to get a
> my printer to print color, graphics, etc. not to mention the pain
> involved to get a modem to work properly. aaarrggg!!
> basically, i found myself duplicating my windows environment in a
> linux environment. my *to-do* list was based on software i was fond of
> in windows (MS Office, Quicken, Quake 2) and how easy it was to get
> the software up and running properly. who has the time to configure
> all the hardware when real-life sets in, family, friends, school,
> health, etc..
> linux for desktop, yeah.... right. i gotta do everything from scratch
> - waste of time.
> my 2 cents,
> laziest-opinionated-whining engineer
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