On Sun, 22 Mar 1998, Chris Frost wrote:

> I just got ftape-3.04c and users can see the program /usr/bin/ftmt, but if
> you log in as root, you can't.  If you su to root it does work however. If
> you log in as root, the file /usr/bin/ftmt isn't even there! What would be

Exactly what do you mean when you say that it's not there.  Do you mean
that you can login as root, cd to /usr/bin, do an ls, and it does not show
up in the file list, but it does if you log in as other than root?  I
can't imagine how that would be even possible.

On the other hand, if the file shows up when you do an ls, but you get
some sort of command-not-found message when trying to execute ftmt without
specifying the full path, then it sounds like the command hash table for
the root shell is not being updated properly.  How you would fix that
would depend on what shell you are using, but you can try looking at the
rehash man page.


DISCLAIMER: All opinions expressed herein are my own and should not
be construed to represent those of Washington University or any other
Michael P. Plezbert                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Graduate Student                   http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~plezbert/
Department of Computer Science
Washington University in St. Louis

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