On Tue, 7 Apr 1998, Dan Hughes wrote:
> outside the network, right?  3.  This is not related to DNS, just APACHE:
> Is there a way to create a public directory that for each user on the
> system apache creates an entry in the http(d?) directory that would
> produce: http://myserver.mydomain/~dhughes if dhughes is a user on the
> system, or http://myserver.mydomain/~dude if dude is on the server without
> manual entry of the directories ( eg. mkdir ~dhughes)?  If so how?

http://myserver.mydomain/~dhughes maps to the subdirectory
/home/dhughes/public_html under the current Apache config shipped with Red
Hat Linux.  /home/dhughes is created when you create the user dhughes. The
directory public_html is not.

I would suggest that you export users' home directories using SAMBA, and
let the users handle creating and populating their own public_html
directory by just mounting the SAMBA share as another drive on their
Windows 95 workstation. You may wish to assign a quota to the users too,
'cause else they'll fill your hard drive with their personal files (human
nature, sigh). 

Eric Lee Green   [EMAIL PROTECTED]          Executive Consultants
Systems Specialist               Educational Administration Solutions
 "We believe Windows 95 is a walking antitrust violation" -- Bryan Sparks

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