On Wed, 15 Apr 1998, Abandon_All_Hope wrote:
> Hey,
>       I tink some one had the same problem before, sorry for the repeat.
> I changed /bin/su to:
> -rwxr-x---   1 root     wheel       12672 Oct 27 11:30 /bin/su
> and changed /etc/group to:
> wheel::10:root,djslatte
> then I 
> $newgrp wheel
> $su
> correct passwd
> su: incorrect password
> $
> What is going on here!!

'su' is just a program that gets the password and, if it checks out, tries
to do a kernel call to change your user ID to some other user ID. It can
only do that kernel call if it has root permissions (otherwise anybody
could be anybody!). Obviously it doesn't have permission if you're running
it as a mere mortal and 'su' does not have the SUID (Set User ID)  bit

Here's what you need to do:

chmod u+s /bin/su

and voila! rwsr-x--- permissions granted. Every time you run 'su' the
loader will set its effective user id to 'root' and 'su' will be able to
do the kernel call to change your user id. 

Eric Lee Green   [EMAIL PROTECTED]          Executive Consultants
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