I'd make it easy on yourself ;)
Change the line for your printer and add lp| to the beginning:


My thoughts only,

On Mon, 20 Apr 1998, Dale E Anglin wrote:

> Hi,
> Upon installing RH5, I configured my first and only printer with a name
> other than 'lp' (which matches our other systems in our network).
> When I invoke some command such as 'ls | lpr', I receive the following message:
>       lpr: lp: unknown printer
> I can set the PRINTER environment variable, and that seems to work for most
> cases.  However, when I use 'a2ps', I receive mail from the printer daemon
> saying that my printer job could not be unlinked: permission denied.
> Does anybody have any ideas on how to make the default printer something
> other than 'lp'?  I have reviewed man pages, etc.  Please point me in the
> "write" direction.
> Thanks,
> Dale Anglin  :-)             |  Raytheon Systems Company
>    Global Battle Management  |  1010 Production Rd, MS10-37
>    Research & Development    |  Ft Wayne, IN, USA, 46808
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]       |  (219) 429-5677   FAX (219) 429-6859
>                            (Formerly: Hughes Defense Communications)

Rick L. Mantooth        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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