Was wondering if you could be a little more specific about what you're
looking for, in terms of interface, features, etc.  I'm doing a little
programming class work on CGI, C, Linux/Unix, and databases, and what the
hell - help-desk S/W is a perfect linux app; give it a user friendly HTML
front end, let the minions use Netscape or IE on workstations throughout
the enterprise, and set up a Linux box in the back office quietly serving
it all effortlessly...  

Start coding it tonight, I suppose.

>  I work at a local ISP. We are running Redhat 5.0.
>  I need to implement a system under redhat that will help me to track
> technical support calls. Basically we need a system that will allow anyone
> in our organization technically minded or not to add a trouble ticket into
> the database. So that when joe customer calls up we will be able to enter
> in username, OS, problem, and so on and then say okay joe your ticket
> number is 3456304 someone will respond to you shortly. I tried Jitterbug
> (from the samba people) and it turned out to be a little cumbersome.
> Debian's debugs is a little cryptic. 
>  What are other ISP's using for this? It does not neccesarily need to run
> under linux. It could be a access database or whatever. obviousy though we
> would prefer it to be a linux based system. 
> -- 
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