> I'm running Xfree86 with RH 5.0 and I'm running into a problem.  Got RH
> installed fine, ran Xconfigurator and got Xf86 running in root.  I exited
> Xf86 via the toolbar at the bottom, logged out of root, logged back in as a
> normal user, typed 'startx'.  Xf86 came up as a grey screen, and never went
> on to finish loading the rest of the screen.  Mouse moves, I can exit by

Looks like a problem with the window manager configuration for the user.
There was probably no wm specified for the user. Check to see if there exists a
.Xclients in the user's home directory so that X uses the default X manager
(fvwm2, same as that for root). If so, try renaming it to something else and see
if X works properly. Hope that helps.

- hoeteck

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