Well, it seems to work at first, but it closes the telnet session.. How
do I get it to just stop and let me do what I want to do? 

On Wed, 13 May 1998, Fred Lenk wrote:

|Well, I use expect in my dialup email server, but not to establish 
|the connection. I'm using the following to dialup:
|#PPP command with built in chat script 
|/usr/sbin/pppd connect '/usr/sbin/chat -v "" ATZ OK AT\&F1 OK
|ATDT1-nnn-nnn-nnnn CONNECT "" ogin: your_login_id word: your_password'
|/dev/modem 115200 crtscts modem lock noipdefault  kdebug 0 
|Note that my emailer has broken up the original single line, starting 
|with /usr/sbin/pppd, into several lines. yours must be all one line 
|in the shell script. This gets my foot in the door of my ISP, but not 
|necessarily to a telnet prompt.
|Then a little later in the script, I use expect to telnet to the 
|host on a non standard telnet port (NN) to accomplish my objectives. 
|I've modified it a bit so as to not give out passwords or the host 
|I'm dealing with, or what im doing.
|expect << EOcmds
|        spawn telnet some.isp.com NN
|        expect "some string you expect "
|        send "my reply string"
|        expect "some string you expect"
|        send "my reply string"
|        expect "some string you expect"
|        send "quit\n"
|let me know if that helps
|> Date:          Wed, 13 May 1998 02:50:29 -0700
|> From:          "Gate News" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
|> To:            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
|> Subject:       expect? (offtopic)
|> Would anyone happen to have a script that automaticall logs into a
|> machine via telnet? I would like to have to so I click my icon, and it
|> just connects and logs in.. I was told to use expect but I cant quite
|> get it to work..
|> Also, does anyone know of a way to import a larg number of users
|> (~700) into linux users? instead of adduser/passwd <user> for
|> everyone?
|> TIA
|>     Bryan
|Fred Lenk, SysAdmin, CommPower
|http://www.commpower.com - Check jobs posting.

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