
Saw ur response to the following message, but I missed those messages that have the 
answer for the 1st question. Can you please tell me how to setup proxy server in 
Netscape 4 again?

Thank you very much.


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On 5/14/98, at 3:33 AM, Piet Barber  wrote:

>> 1) I would like to make use of a proxy server: proxy.cistron.nl:8080.
>Looks like several others responded.
>> 2) Whenever I click on a rpm file in Netscape, it tries do display the rpm
>> file instead of downloading it. How can I change this behaviour?
>You got some replies that said something to the effect of "shift+click" or
>right click, then select "save link as..."
>The latter of the two occasionally doesn't work because of a weird netscape
>bug.  When you are on a page with frames, it doesn't seem to care that your
>mouse is over a hyperlink or not, it just gives the frames properties
>menu.  I hope Mozilla fixes this.
>I hate shift clicking.  It's so  hard to explain to people. "Shift click!", I
>shout, as I stand over the user's shoulder. "Shift click!"
>So they type the word click while holding down the shift key.  D'arrgh.
>There is a better way:
>Edit -> Preferences -> Netscape -> Applications -> New ->
>Description: Red Hat Package Management
>MIMEType: Unknown
>[sic, should be Suffixes -- anyway...]
>Suffixs: rpm
>[sic] [not .rpm, not *.rpm, just rpm]
>Handled by:
>select "Save to Disk"
>Hit OK.
>You should be all set.
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