On Fri, 22 May 1998, Shawn McMahon wrote:

> So I figure on taking 3 or 4 Linux boxes, clustering them, and being able to
> boot a whole bunch at once.

Why 3 or 4 Linux boxes? 1 should do the trick... The network is going to
be the bottleneck here - it doesn't take a terribly powerful machine to
send files over the network (especially if it's the same file over & over
again, as is the case when you're netbooting a bunch of workstations

> Since I want to have them go back to the AS/400 in the event the Linux boxen
> are down (requirement, management won't even let me experiment with this if
> we can't do that), I'm stuck with a total of 2 IPs I can specify.

Can the AS/400's do IP aliasing? If so, the basic idea is to have all the
machines get their TFTP stuff from IP address X. If the Linux machine is
up, then it should alias its ethernet interface to that address X,
otherwise an AS/400 should do alias _its_ ethernet interface to that same
address X.

-- Elliot
When I die, I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather...
        ...not yelling and screaming like the people in the back of the
           plane he was flying.

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