pop a floppy in the drive
edit /etc/lilo.conf
and change the first line to point to /dev/fd0 instead of a partition.
save and exit that file
then run /sbin/lilo

This will work out great..once you have lilo to the point that it will boot all your OS's you might just want to install it to your MBR.


At 01:10 PM 5/25/1998 +0800, Philip Tong wrote:
I have read thru HOWTOs on getting PCs to boot with multi OS and creating of Boot Disks. I'm a bit confuse. Can anybody give me a hand here. I currently have WinNT 4.0 and Win95 running on my PC. What I actually planned to do was to add another hardisk to my PC set it up with RHL 5.0 and use a Boot disk to boot up into Linux as opposed to changing my exisiting MBR. I have manage to make a Boot disk using 'dd', but the installing LILO onto a diskette got me stumped. Any pointers? Thanks In Advance. ------ Phil-T

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