On Mon, 1 Jun 1998, Mike A. Lewis, CNE wrote:

> I'm setting up a new box for a client.  
> The box has a 6.1GB IDE Maxtor HD.  The BIOS does have LBA turned on.  I
> have a 6GB partition for / and 100MB for swap.
> During the install, after the formatting of the HD, I get "Install
> terminated abnormally - Received signal 13".  Then the system shuts
> down.  It seems to be when it starts installing the RPMs.  Specifically
> setup-1.9-2.noarch.rpm is the file it aborts on.  I've downloaded the
> file again and tried reinstalling with the same results. 
> What have I missed here ?  Any help appreciated.
As a wild guess (don't recall what sig 13 error is), if your root partition
extends beyond 1023 cylinders on the drive, results can be unpredictable.
I'm guessing that since it's a 6 gig disk, that your root partition does go
beyond 1023....
To answer your earlier question about partitions (which nobody seems to have
responded to so far), based on your statement about using the machine for a
pop server and light ftp server, and mistakes I've made partitioning
machines here ;-) , and previous discussions in this list, I'd suggest the 

/ (root)  of a hundred megs or so at the beginning of the drive
one or more swap partitions of 128 meg ea. near the center of the drive
   [putting swap on a second, separate physical drive would be even better]
/usr of a half gig or so
/home  size depending on number of users and how much junk you think they'll
       accumulate, but pretty big
/tmp   (?)
/var   also pretty big 
/home/ftp  if you're going to do anonymous FTP mostly

Having committed myself, you should see a flood of responses now about how
the above is all wrong. =8-O

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