how do I do this?,
sendmail seems to work really well for an ISP with individual user accounts
but how to I set it upfor a mail server to direct all mail addressed to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] to a single account, say tom (where xxx is
any name at all and tom is a user in my password file and prospect.com.au
is a domain name which I will host). Thus: a message addressed to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] will be appended to the file  usr/spool/mail/tom and
when the smtp mail product( ie Exchange etc) accesses my mail server as the
"smtp" user it will be downloaded together with any other messages

Note: I am using sendmail Version 8.7.5 running in Linux. As well as
hosting the DNS files, for every domain name I host I place two entries in
the CwLocalhost line in /etc/sendmail.cf (mail.prospect.com.au and
Michael & Liz Crocombe
14 Boulder Crescent Narara NSW 2250 AUSTRALIA

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