On Thu, 2 Jul 1998, Dave Ihnat wrote:

> John H Darrah wrote:
> > In order for users frampton and mccready to be
> > able to work within the "its" group, the have to
> > become part of the group by typing "newgrp its"
> > which makes their effective group "its" rather
> > than their private group.
> I will point out that Linux uses BSD-style
> groups--if you're already in the group in
> /etc/group, then you automatically gain group
> access without having to newgrp. 

Yes, you are absolutely right. I was thinking in
terms of my SGI system. But... can't RedHat be set
up this way through the PAM facility?

I guess I'll have to do some experimenting ;-)

John Darrah (u05192)    | Dept: N/C Programming
Giddens Industries      | Ph: (425) 353-0405 #229
PO box 3190             | Ph: (206) 767-4212 #229
Everett  WA    98203    | Fx: (206) 764-9639

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