Keyboard Problem

 I have an azerty keyboard and have selected this type during
installation of RedHat Linux 5.0
 This works ok in command-line mode.
 When running the X-server (XFree86) and opening a shell the keyboard
type is querty and not azerty . The keys of the keyboard are in querty
state but when running Xconfigurator the  keyboard selected is of type
azerty as chosen during setup.
 (the keyboard is also in raw scancode mode)

 Where must I change this the get an azerty keyboard using X-Windows ?


Werner Ramaekers
begin:          vcard
fn:             Werner Ramaekers
n:              Ramaekers;Werner
org:            Belgian Marimba User Group
email;internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:          President
x-mozilla-cpt:  ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE
version:        2.1
end:            vcard

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