On Sun, 8 Mar 1998, Aaron Walker wrote:

> Is it possible to have shadow passwords installed and have an
> /etc/passwd like:
> root:RLx6uuTK6dzWg:0:1:Operator:/:/bin/csh
> nobody:*:-2:-2::/:
> daemon:*:1:1::/:
> sys:*:2:2::/:/bin/csh
> bin:*:3:3::/bin:
> uucp:*:4:4::/var/spool/uucppublic:
> ftp:*:5:5:Anonymous File Thief:/var/ftp:
> news:*:6:6::/var/spool/news:/bin/csh
> ingres:*:7:7::/usr/ingres:/bin/csh
> audit:*:9:9::/etc/security/audit:/bin/csh
> sync::1:1::/:/bin/sync
> +::0:0:::
> Everyone is shadowed except root.  Is this possible?

No, everyone is 'login disabled' except for root (has a password) and
sync (no password at all). I think the last line means something to NIS.
An /etc/passwd file that had been shadowed would have an 'x' in the 
password field.

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