I can't do it!!!!

I've tried, I really have.. but in the end it all comes down to the same
thing..  I CAN'T DO IT!!!!!!

All I wan't to do is too keep my distiribution upto date with all the latest
patches to make sure that it runs as smoothly as possible..  but its simply
not possible!  A new patch arrives every 2 days!  I'm on a dial up
connection with no free local calls..  I can't afford to d/l the latest
10meg patch every week...  All I want is ONE page somewhere telling me
exactly which patches I should apply, what the patch does and possible side
effects (I've heard the later versions of PPP can cause problems when you
upgrade to them).

Is this REALLY to much to ask?   I've got a limited amount of time I can
spend using linux as the majority of my work is done useing MS tools...  I
find my self in the sittuation where the majority of time sat at my Linux
box is spent finding/applying/fixing patchs, when all I wana do is jump
online for a couple of hours and talk on line without having to worry about
some little s**t performing some malicous attack on me!

Anyone got any advice?  links to pages with the kinda detail i'm after,
methods u employ to keep upto date...

Thanks in advance..

Best regards

Tim Larkins
NCR Professional Services


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