  Just felt i suppose like agreeing. Nothing more frustrating than 
recieving a email from someone who thinks they are being so informed
that is formatted wrong so that it is all <HTML> tags. That is rm 
without hesitation. What i found amazing is that the people sending 
this info get so indignant when you politely ask them to refrain from
a public forum per se. Have even found that suddenly these individuals 
feel that we those that use plain text are behind. Ever heard of the 
right tool for the job i often think to myself? Anyways it would be 
amusing to create a script that scans for the first <HTML> and the 
</HTML> and strips it off emailing it to the sender as text to be read
at there leisure;') Think after a few well meaning emails they would 
get the message and leave the <HTML> to the browsers to read.

                                                                [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
At 09:15 PM 6/13/98 -0700, GateKeepeR News wrote:
>I agree completely.. And (as I have told my customers) email is ONLY for
>text and not for transferring 10 meg files! And they wonder why it takes
>3 hours to get their email..Take us back to the beginning of the
>internet when everyone was using lynx and pine through a dial-up shell
>On Sun, 14 Jun 1998, Chris Fishwick wrote:
>|> If my email program was refusing to show me the main body of a message,
>|> instead insisting on showing me one of the attachments, I'd be grousing at
>|> the author of the program, not the author of the email.
>|Hmm.. I'd have to disagree here...  In my opinion, HTML should *never*
>|have been integrated with email.  Email should always have been a text
>|only medium rather than all this colour and font crap that people are
>|putting in with it...
>|Just my 2c worth
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