>I just got Red Hat just a couple of days ago, well, I was trying to mount my
>CD and it wont eaven eject, it only seems to work in windows. Is it because
>of the Infrared?. I would really apreciate some help Thanks!

I'm currently running a Creative Labs Infra1800 CD-ROM IDE drive and have
zero problems.  The drive has to be attached two one of the two main EIDE
motherboard connectors.  Also, there musn't be any gaps in the connections
on the EIDE connectors.  This means that if you have a single hard disk,
make the hard disk hda and the CD-ROM on hdb.  Don't make the CD-ROM a master
by itself, make it a slave of the first hard disk.

Don't attached the CD-ROM to the EIDE connector on a sound card.  It won't
be found.  I never got it to work that way.

I have three hard disks in my system: hda, hdc and hdd.  The CD-ROM is hdb.

System Administrator - Finnigan FT/MS - Madison WI. URL:http://www.ftms.com/
phone: (608) 273-8262 ext: 612  fax: (608) 273-8719
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