>Does anyone know how to insert specific special characters in the vim
>I want to make use of the Cent symbol, which I think is character 0242.
>have seen it in mail to me, xterm and vim can display it, but I
couldn't find
>any key on my keyboard which would generate it.

It's actually ASCII 162, at least in the ISO-8955 Latin-1 Character set
(don't quote me on that ISO number). I'm not even sure you can insert a
char via its numeric representation under vim (although I'd be happy to
stand corrected). You can quote the next char, but that's not quite the
same thing (unless the ALT-nnn MS-DOS trick works under Linux too).

>Thanks for any and all help.

At the worst, you could

        $ perl -e 'print chr(162)' >~/cent.ch

and then open up your file in vim, read in this file, and then cut it to
a named buffer, something like:

        "cd   (um, double quote cee dee space)

And then when you need to insert it use "cp

Hope this helps,

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