for give me if I'm wrong here but there is an "ALPHA" for the
Mac it is a PowerPC processor that ran at 500Mhz and was muliprocessor
compatible. Now as of 6 months ago the newest vers. ran 1000Mhz
but multiprocessor wasn't working at that speed. the form factor
for these were built into the new G3 Macs but the actual processor
at any speed isn't availible on the Mac platform but is used in some
of IBM's AS/4000 servers. And if I read right the processor is a
modified 620 and yes it is 64bit pure? and it is faster than a
straight Alpha but it is hotter and a power hog (it uses a peltzer
juntion and a 3watt fan and it sucks more power than your standard
SCSI wide/fast hard drive.
hope this help
also sources for this include IBM press releases, IEEE mag ? (I don't get but
a friend does it deals with computer hardware), ZDnet, and the Learning Channel

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