> > im using redhat 4.2, and im trying (for 3 weeks) to use a Mad 16 opti
> > 82c924 (PTI-168) PnP sound card . I can use it only if im initialising
> > is using the driver for dos; so boot in dos init the SB (either in SB
> > Pro or Wss mode) and after that worm boot to Linux.
> > 
> >  Now i want to get rid of the windoze 95 && dos and use inly Linux, but
> > that would mean that i wount be able to use the soundcard anymore.
> > 
> >   Any ideea on how should i conf. Linux to use it without initialisation
> > from other OS????
> I'm putting up a web page (rather crude one ) which details how to do it. I 
>personally have got this setup, and it works well. If any of you out there have a 
>problem, mail me (Simon) : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sorry : www.brunel.ac.uk/~cs96sjd
Simon Delicata
"The Soviet Union, which has complained recently about alleged anti-Soviet 
themes in American advertising, lodged an official protest this week against 
the Ford Motor Company's new campaign: `Hey you stinking fat Russian, get
 off my Ford Escort.'"
-- Dennis Miller, Saturday Night Live
Simon Delicata          __   _
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   / /  (_)__  __ ____  __    Brunel University Student
BCS Member            / /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /    
                     /____/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\ .. The choice of a GNU Generation

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