>I am trying to configure the buttons on my Microsoft serial mouse (2
button) to do copy and paste functions when in the XFree86 environment. When
I first boot up RH5.0 and before entering startx the mouse buttons work the
way I would like, with the left mouse button highlighting text I want to
copy and then the right mouse button pasting that highlighted text. 
>After going to X Windows  the left mouse button highlights text but when I
click the right mouse button the whole line of text is highlighted instead
of getting pasted at an insertion point. 
>If it matters I am using fvwm as the windows manager.
>If someone could give me some ideas or point me to a HOW TO I would
appreciate it.

Hmm... I don't know, but it sounds like X Windows is using the mouse
independantly from Linux. 
||  Robert Hailman   |    Stupidity is Win95,    ||
||                   |    Stupidity is 0S/2,     ||
||[EMAIL PROTECTED]|Stupidity is Linux on a 386||
Version: 3.12
GCS/E/O d-(+) s+: a? C++ UL? P+ L E? W++ N o K- w--- O- M-- V? PS+ PE-- Y
PGP--- t++ 5-- X++ R- tv+ b+ DI++++ D++ G++ e h r++ y? 

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