On Sun, 15 Mar 1998, dIzZy wrote:

> I have a POP3 mail accout and im using it via dial-up ppp conection
> (14.4 Microlink modem). When i am sending and geting mail with Netscape
> (windoze && linux) all works fine. When im trying to get the mail with
> fetchmail it takes 4-5 times longer; why????
Run fetchmail -v and see what's happening.

I guess you have the same problem I had: fetchmail retrieves mails fine,
but hangs at:
SMTP> MAIL FROM: <someone@somewhere>
This is when sendmail looks up sender's address in DNS, what takes time...

The problem is not fetchmail but your configuration of sendmail. My remedy
0. install package sendmail-cf
1. # cd /usr/lib/sendmail-cf/cf
2. keep an unchanged copy of an original .mc file:
   # cp redhat.mc redhat-mine.mc
3. edit redhat-mine.mc and add lines:
4. build new sendmail.cf:
   # m4 redhat-mine.cf > /etc/sendmail.cf
5. restart sendmail

For more details, see file /usr/lib/sendmail-cf/README

> And how can i send to a pop3 server the mail queued by a program like
> pine ????
You can't. POP3 server allows you to retrieve mail. You may send mail to
your ISP's SMTP server. However, the same machine may run both SMTP and
POP3 servers... When editing .mc file add also line: 
define(`SMART_HOST', `smtp.yourisp.net')

Then sendmail -q will send all queued mail via your ISP's machine.
Personally, I like to add -v flag to see what exactly is going on. See
Mail Queue mini-HOWTO for more info. 

Hope it helps.


// Krzysztof Zaraska                    * Vanity of vanities,
// [EMAIL PROTECTED]           * saith the Preacher,
// System administrator / webmaster at  * vanity of vanities;
// Nowodworski Secondary School, Cracow * all is vanity. [Ec1:2]

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