Use joe. It's small, even smaller than vi. It has a pico mode which simulate pico key 

Johnny Z. Li, Ph.D
Technical Specialist
(TEL) (248)952-5664
(FAX) (248)952-1610

-----Original Message-----
From:   John Higginbotham [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Monday, March 16, 1998 10:40 AM
Subject:        Re: EMacs?

At 09:28 AM 3/16/98 -0600, you wrote:

>Hey there, them's fightin' words! <M-x fisticuffs>
>I believe one of the rules of the list is no holy wars, explicitly
>regarding text editors.  Watch where you tread. :)

Not to add anymore fuel to the Holy Flame War about to start:

I grew up on DOS, then migrated to Windows 3.x, then Win95, and finally
have been using Linux in some shape or form for about 2 years now. I
currently use Pico as my editor of choice under Linux, because it's the
only one I have found that behaves as close to DOS EDIT or Windows Notepad
as I can find. This was all fine and dandy until one day when I was editing
/etc/groups and when I saved, it wrapped a line or two. That's not good, so
I am looking for a replacement for Pico, something that is as simple to
use, that I don't have to remember alot of commands, and is a full screen
editor. Old habits die hard I guess. If I had to, I could learn vi or
emacs, but I want to stick with something that I am familiar with. Any

- John Higginbotham - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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