 I am a new subscriber to this rehat-list and I want to install RedHat 5.0 by
 anonymous ftp to get what I want. I have a Petium 200 MMX, so I connect to


 I have read many HOWTOs and FAQ but still do not know what files should I
 get.  I am quite confused by so much information.   I have the following

 Is the site I connected suitable for getting stuffs for install RedHat5.0?

 In the site, there are so many files, to list only a few of them:

notherLevel-0.5-2.noarch.rpm. .  [Nov 10 04:31]     95k
   ElectricFence-2.0.5-5.i386.rpm .  [Nov 10 04:32]     19k
   ImageMagick-3.9.1-1.i386.rpm . .  [Nov 10 04:32]    727k
   ImageMagick-devel-3.9.1-1.i386.>  [Nov 10 04:32]    491k
   MAKEDEV-2.3.1-1.noarch.rpm . . .  [Nov 10 04:31]     11k
   SysVinit-2.71-3.i386.rpm . . . .  [Nov 10 04:32]     57k
   X11R6-contrib-3.3.1-1.i386.rpm .  [Nov 10 04:32]    167k
   XFree86-100dpi-fonts-3.3.1-14.i>  [Nov 10 04:32]   1236k
   XFree86-3.3.1-14.i386.rpm. . . .  [Nov 10 04:32]   8064k
   XFree86-75dpi-fonts-3.3.1-14.i3>  [Nov 10 04:32]   1067k
   XFree86-8514-3.3.1-14.i386.rpm .  [Nov 10 04:32]   1257k
   XFree86-AGX-3.3.1-14.i386.rpm. .  [Nov 10 04:32]   1326k
   XFree86-I128-3.3.1-14.i386.rpm .  [Nov 10 04:32]   1401k
   XFree86-Mach32-3.3.1-14.i386.rp>  [Nov 10 04:32]   1314k
   XFree86-Mach64-3.3.1-14.i386.rp>  [Nov 10 04:32]   1355k
   XFree86-Mach8-3.3.1-14.i386.rpm.  [Nov 10 04:32]   1260k
   XFree86-Mono-3.3.1-14.i386.rpm .  [Nov 10 04:32]   1301k
   XFree86-P9000-3.3.1-14.i386.rpm.  [Nov 10 04:32]   1334k
   XFree86-S3-3.3.1-14.i386.rpm . .  [Nov 10 04:32]   1499k
   XFree86-S3V-3.3.1-14.i386.rpm. .  [Nov 10 04:32]   1408k
   XFree86-SVGA-3.3.1-14.i386.rpm .  [Nov 10 04:32]   1638k


Do I need to get all of them?  In other words, which should I get?

  Can anyone help me?  Many thanks.


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