On Sun, 15 Mar 1998, Saleh A. Al-Abbad wrote:

> Hello to all ...
> I wonder if this true, I tried to telnet form window95 to my linux box using ROOT 
>but failed to login. Same thing happened when I tried ftp command. But I was able to 
>telnet and ftp using other IDs. Is there anything special with ROOT ?.
I assume you mean root. (Unix is case sensitive from the deepest corner to
the top :) )
And yes, you are usually not allowed remote access as a root. (This is a
security feature. The idea is that someone needs two passwords to get to
root: One normal user and the root one.)

If you want to enable root logins, than just go to the /etc/pam.d and
remove the pam_securetty.so line from telnet, and
remove root from the /etc/ftpusers (how do I know? check the ftp config
file in /etc/pam.d)

But then, remote login (especially as root, direct or indirect via su) is
only a good idea in a LAN you control so you can be sure it's sniffer
free. If you are using it over the ``open'' internet, consider using ssh,
which encrypts your data transfer (including the password ofcourse).
(ftp://ftp.replay.com/pub/crypto/redhat ... or so) 


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