Two questions:

    i was able to get my linux box to dial my ISP using a script I made
called "dial" stored in /bin.  All would go well when until I actually
get online...I would use lynx to check if im online...by when I type
G(go), the URL: http://www.redhat.com..I would get this message.."Remote
host not found".. I put this on my resolv.config file:

But it still wouldnt work..any ideas???

My other ? is that I have NT on the same box as Linux..Installed
LILO..but when I boot my PC..it wouldnt give me time dto choose b/w
Linux or Win..instead...booting directly to Linux..a good thing I
know..but there are others that has to use WinNT where I am at..so I
need to let them choose which O/S to boot.  Is there a way I can delay
Lilo..and allow some time to choose b/w which O/S go boot from.


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