> and one of two things happens:
> 1.  It starts up working on init/main.o - but it just stops there (I
> mean for over a half hour using 0 cpu cycles - Ok, it hangs)
> 2. I get a segmentation fault followed by "cpp:  output pipe has been
> closed".  Hitting return gives me back the prompt. 

In the first instance, you might want to go to another console and
run top or some other utility to see what is going on. Also, using
strace may help to pin down where it is hanging.

In the second instance, segmentation faults (if they happen more or
less randomly in the compile process) are typically a cause of something
wrong with your hardware -- it may be RAM, RAM timings, or CPU overheat
(like if you're overclocking).

Also, what sort of RAM do you have? Do you have enough swap? Running
low (or out of) RAM could explain the first scenario.

> Nathan Alonzo Smith   
> TSX-5 SpaceCraft Engineer
> Com: (505)846-0132
> Dsn:  246-0132
David E. Fox                 Tax              Thanks for letting me
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