I am opening a store to try to educate, and sell Linux boxes at the same time.
Computers & Gadgets, Inc. at 4950 South Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando,
Florida 32839, and I hope to serve both the local Linux Users Groups with
Freebies, and share knowledge.  I will sell machines at the lowest possible
around $800 for a sound & video complete computer, 32 MB Ram, 3.2GB hard drive,
2MB video, 32x CDRom, etc.  The one trouble is that I have not qualified a web
servor machine, yet.  This store actually opens on 25 March, when the phones go
in.  I believe enough in Linux, that I have staked my family's future on it.
I have done c/pm on Heathkit H89's up to Win95 on Pentiums, starting in 1970.
I know
a good thing when I see it, and Linus Torvalds and all the thousands of others
including WGS-Linux Mall, Infomagic, and S.U.S.E. (there are probably others I
should mention, but can't think of, in the commercial arena) have put their
best efforts into developing a rock stable operating platform to serve
mankind.  Damn
right, I will join up.  I will now step down off of my soapbox and let you guys
assist our leadership in applying to a gainful purpose and direction, this
enthusiasm I see on the several Linux distributions networks.  I am a retired
USAF technician,
and so now you know where my idealism and patriotism have led me.  Give me some
ideas to promote in my endeavors, please.

Wade Hampton wrote:

> Folks,  I agree we should send mail to Byte, but lets be polite and
> professional in doing so.
> We should politely point out 1) Why Linux is better, 2) What Linux does
> that NT/Solaris does not,
> and 3) How to best use Linux for WWW servers, and 4) How much a Linux
> box
> costs versus NT or Solaris.
> Lets base our mails on FACTS, not opinion or emotion!
> Note, cost is several factors:
>     1) Hardware  -- Linux will run well on minimal hardware, e.g., for a
> test or departmental
>                 WWW server, even 8M.  NT requires 32M RAM to run well,
> usually more.
>     2) Software -- Linux is free, or less than $50 for Caldera or Red
> Hat.  NT is $$.
>                 NT does NOT include mail client software ($$ for more
> than 10 mail boxes).
>                 NT does NOT include databases....  etc.
>     3) Setup time -- Linux may be hurt here (but I've had some real hard
> times installing
>                 NT on older hardware, even not being able to do so)
>     4) Maintenance -- Linux has RPM, NT does not, but NT has GUI setup
> and control programs....
>     5) Downtime -- Linux should win here no problem.
> Point out the facts, give examples, give creditable testimony about your
> experiences...
> For example, this is one of my experiences:
> My main intranet server is a P75 generic motherboard machine with a
> "doubler" chip.  NT
> would NOT load on it -- some of my staff spent about 2 days trying to
> get NT Workstation
> on it to use it for a test machine.  It now runs RedHat 4.1 which I
> loaded in a couple of
> hours and has uptimes measured in months.
> One problem with magazines like Byte and with software companies that
> produce commercial
> software is that they realize a substantial amount of their revenue from
> Microsoft and/or
> Microsoft-compatible software.  How can we compete with that?  Marketing
> is
> almost EVERYTHING!
> Many of us now 1) expect software to be free, or 2) refuse to pay more
> than $50 for a
> software package.  That makes it hard for a commercial software vendor
> to port a
> $500 package to Linux.
> We have to convince the folks out there that Linux should be used!
> How do we convince the business majors, accountants, attorneys, doctors,
> and MBA's
> out there that they should support Linux -- technical merit?  I think
> not.  We have to
> convince them that it is better from a cost perspective, it is a good
> business decision
> to use Linux, to support Linux, and to port their applications to Linux.
> How can we do this?
> Think about it!
> Cheers,
> --
> Wade Hampton
> Microsoft should rename Start to Crash per truth in
> advertising laws.  Support Sun and the U.S. Government!
> --
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