Hello, Pete!

  How about just getting an X-based email client such as xfmail
(http://freshmeat.unreal.org/) that supports POP3, IMAP, etc? Or pine? You'd
have to provide us with some details too .. Do you mean download email from
your ISP, or receiving email directly on your Box? For the latter, you would
have to configure sendmail properly to accept email for ur domain. Cheers for

- HT

> Can someone tell me where I can find a FAQ, on how to set up my RH Linux 5.0
> to get my E-mail?  
> Thanks
> Pete Spalding

linux [2.0.33] only! otherwise write me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] :)
WWW: http://xnovice.dyn.ml.org

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    • Hoe-Teck Wee

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