>And the offending named.forward file ...
>cuda.org.       IN SOA  router.cuda.org. root.router.cuda.org.  )
>                        1998072101      ; Serial Number
>                        10800           ; Refresh after 3 hours
>                        3600            ; Retry after 1 hour
>                        3600000         ; Expire after ~ 42 days
>                        259200  )       ; MIN TTL
>; Localhost entry
>localhost       IN      A
>;Nameserver entry
>router          IN      NS<-----------------------            
>;local machines                                                          |
>freebsd         IN      A                       |
>laptop          IN      A                       |
>linux           IN      A                       |
>                                                                  |
>And the question would be, WTF am i overlooking?                  |
>The NS RR is right there ------------------------------------------

Here is an example of my entry.  I hope you have a typing error in yours,
because your first "(" is a ")", i.e., the ( before the start of the
serial number.

@               IN      SOA     bajor.ftms.com. brown.ftms.com. (               
                                9806.2201       ;serial yymm.dd[0-9][0-9]       
                                10800           ;refresh                        
                                3600            ;retry                          
                                172800          ;expire                         
                                86400 )         ;minimum                        
                IN      NS      bajor.ftms.com.                                 
                IN      A                                    
                IN      MX      0       ftms.com.                               
www.vidiot.com.         IN      CNAME   vidiot.com.                             
ftp.vidiot.com.         IN      CNAME   ftms.com.                               

System Administrator - Finnigan FT/MS - Madison WI. URL:http://www.ftms.com/
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]               [Oooohhh, I need a hug]
phone: (608) 273-8262 ext: 612  fax: (608) 273-8719
Visit - URL:http://www.vidiot.com/  (Your link to Star Trek and UPN)

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