Before I proceed and install a non-rpm, standard tar
package. I would like to know if it is safe and that I 
won't corrupt or degrade the RPM database.
    What I am concerned about primarily, is if this tar
package contains a file of the same name as that in one
of the rpm packages.
   Also, what if I later install an rpm package containing
a file that I installed some other way?

   Another thing that I am concerned about is installing
rpm packages that are non-Redhat, such as Pacific High
Tech's or Caldera's Open Linux which use a different
version-numbering scheme than you, such that a more
recent software release version is given an earlier
rpm version number.

   Are these valid concerns, or should I just proceed?

                                        Thanks in advance:
                                        Michael J. Yanowitz
                                        April 3, 1998

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